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Compact knowledge:
Guides and info sheets

The climate goals of the Paris Agreement and the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations 2030 Agenda can only be achieved through collaborative effort. Government efforts alone are not enough. In order to fulfil these goals, we also need the additional commitment of private actors. On this page, you’ll find information on how institutions, companies and private individuals can promote climate action projects in developing and emerging countries and, simultaneously strengthen the economy, improve living conditions and protect the environment. Tune in to our ‘Grad° Global’ podcast to find out more.

Materials of Foundation Development and Climate Alliance

Artikel 6 und der freiwillige Kohlenstoffmarkt. Zentrale Handlungsempfehlungen.

Private Klimafinanzierung im Globalen Süden

Leitfaden „Artikel 6 und der freiwillige Kohlenstoffmarkt”

Corresponding Adjustment & Contribution Claim

Factsheets by Carbon Credit Quality Initiative (CCQI)

Brochure - Foundation Development and Climate Alliance, 2021

Flyer - Foundation Development and Climate Alliance