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A strong community for sustainable development and climate protection.

The Development and Climate Alliance is a strong community for climate protection and sustainable development. More than 1,500 supporters from business, industry, the public sector and civil society, as well as individuals, advocate for coupling climate change mitigation strategies with their development impact.

Ambitiously avoiding and reducing greenhouse gases and offsetting them by sponsoring high-quality projects is the central focus of all their activities. Currently, unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions are offset in areas where they have the greatest impact on development: in high-quality climate protection projects in countries of the Global South. Supporters of the Alliance thus make it clear that climate protection is a global challenge that must include global perspectives.

Since 2020, the Alliance has been supported and further developed by the eponymous Foundation. Its supporters help to create a better and more climate-friendly world. The Foundation operates in partnership with the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), which initiated the Development and Climate Alliance in 2018.

The Alliance's goals

The aim of the Development and Climate Alliance is to think climate protection and sustainable development together. And to act globally.

The Alliance achieves this by doing both: it advocates for the Paris Agreement’s 1.5 °C target and supports the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agenda. Its supporters promote this concept by implementing their own robust reductions in emissions step by step. They assume responsibility for residual emissions that cannot be avoided and make a positive contribution to climate protection and development in the countries of the Global South by sponsoring high-quality climate protection projects in countries of the Global South. Informed and supported by the Foundation, Alliance supporters step up their efforts, share their experiences, receive recognition and motivate others.

What we have achieved so far

10.5 million tonnes of CO2

More than 10.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions were offset in 2023 by our supporters’ high-quality climate protection projects. Since the Alliance was established in 2018, around 36 million tons of CO2 have been offset.

More than 1,500

Among our supporters are corporations, medium-sized companies, regional administrations, municipalities, sports clubs, civil society, carbon offset providers and individuals.

Active in 31 countries

Supporters of the Development and Climate Alliance are making active contributions across a wide area in the Global South.

The Alliance's impact

The Development and Climate Alliance has had a concrete and measurable impact. In an annual survey, participating supporters report on their contribution. And it is immense.

More than 10.5 million tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions were offset in 2023 by our supporters’ high-quality climate protection projects in the Global South, including the expansion of renewable energies and energy efficiency technologies.

The projects that our supporters foster make important local contributions in the spirit of the 2030 Agenda.

We collaborate to secure food supplies, healthcare provision, access to education, equal rights and the creation of ‘decent work’. An evaluation is published each year at the end of the 3rd quarter in our annual report. The result shows that the Alliance is a strong community and has great impacts on climate and development.

Photo credits: Reinaldo Coddou H.,, World Vision/FORLIANCE, Imo, South Pole, FairClimateFund