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Dr Heike Henn, BMZ


Dr Heike Henn heads the directorate for climate policy, energy, urban development and the environment (and interim) and is commissioner for climate policy and climate financing at the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ). Since 2003, Dr Henn has held various positions at the BMZ, including coordinator of the chancellor´s personal representative to Africa, director of Germany´s development cooperation in Burundi and Rwanda, head of the special initiative "EINEWELT ohne Hunger" (OneWorld without Hunger), and as head of the division "Policy issues of cooperation with civil society, private organisations". Dr Henn has over twenty years of experience in the field of development policy: research, NGOs and government. She holds degrees in political science, economics, and law. Since October 2020, she has been Chair of the Board of trustees of the Foundation and Climate Alliance.


Barbara Schnell, KfW

Vice Chair

Barbara Schnell has headed the sector policy department of the KfW Development Bank since 2018. She is responsible for advising the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung, BMZ) and the operative units of the KfW Development Bank issues affecting financial cooperation. She previously served in various capacities at different business areas of the KfW Group, starting with international export and project financing, proceeding to corporate strategy and then to the KfW Development Bank where she served in operative and strategic roles. Before moving to the KfW, Schnell´s positions included working for two commercial banks in the US and in Germany. She has a wealth of comprehensive experience ranging from commercial financing to promotional lending and development cooperation. Schnell has degress in business and financing. She earned a Master of Business Administration from the School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. Since October 2020, she has been Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Development and Climate Alliance.

Stefan Grimm Noventi

Dr. Stefan Grimm, Noventi Health SE


Dr. Stefan Grimm heads the Strategic Management, Initiatives and Sustainability at NOVENTI Health SE. In this position, he is responsible for further developing corporate strategy, coordinating implementation, and collaborating with the various departments of the company to drive forward strategic projects. He joined NOVENTI in 2021 and has since advanced the development of, among others, the sustainability strategy and sustainability management as a central pillar of the corporate strategy. He previously held varipus positions at Allianz Versicherung, among them as director of a unit for behavioural economics (the "nudge unit") in the insurance company´s health segment. Dr Grimm took doctorates at the LMU Munich and at UC San Diego in behavioural economics and earned a Master´s degree in economics at the University of St. Gallen, as well as a Master´s in Finance & Investments at the School of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam. NOVENTI Health SE has held a seat in the Board of Trustees of the Foundation Development and Climate Alliance since December 2021. Dr Stefan Grimm has occupied this seat for the corporation since June 2022.

2023_Foto_Melanie Habelitz-Wollgam

Melanie Habelitz-Wollgam, Bayerische Staatskanzlei


Frau Melanie Habelitz-Wollgam is Head of the Office for International Relations with Africa and the Middle East, Development Cooperation and Combating the Causes of Displacement in the Bavarian State Chancellery. She has worked in various positions of the Bavarian state administration and courts since 2006, including at the Bavarian Representation in Brussels, the Bavarian Ministries of the Interior and of Social Affairs, and as a judge at the Munich Social Welfare Court. Habelitz-Wollgam has degrees in jurisprudence from Passau and Toledo (Spain), as well as an LL.M. from the LMU Munich. Habelitz-Wollgam has held the seat for the Bavarian State Chancellery since November 2022.